#QuestionMarkWhereYouPark – A campaign to ban Pavement Parking

In October 2022, I was almost toppled from my wheelchair due to dangerous pavement parking. The incident was particularly distressing as I was on the school run and was carrying my youngest son on my lap.

Having been left shaken by the incident and tired of continuously battling with Pavement Parking, I decided to launch a campaign to ban Pavement Parking. My initial plan is to have a ban implemented with my local area of Sandwell. However, the ultimate goal would be to see a nationwide ban implemented, as is already the case in London and Reading.

Pavement Parking is a daily problem that effects many disabled people; below are examples from just the past few months.

A car blocks the pavement beside a pedestrian crossing.
A car blocks the pavement beside a
pedestrian crossing.
A car completely blocks the pavement for pedestrians.
A car completely blocks the
pavement for pedestrians.
A car parked in a gully blocking the pavement.
A car parked in a gully blocking the

If you would like to support me with this campaign, please contact me.