This disability etiquette workshop is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to interact confidently and respectfully with disabled people. Whether you’re a colleague, friend, family member, or service provider, understanding proper etiquette is essential in creating an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

What does the disability etiquette workshop cover?

This workshop is either a half day introduction session or an in-depth full day workshop delivered either online or in person.

The half day workshop will cover:

  • The definition of disability and different types of disability;
  • Debunking myths and misconceptions surrounding disability;
  • Positive and respectful language for disability and language to avoid;
  • The “do’s and don’ts” for interacting with disabled people.

The full day workshop will cover:

  • The definition of disability and different types of disability;
  • Debunking myths and misconceptions surrounding disability;
  • Positive and respectful language for disability and language to avoid;
  • The “do’s and don’ts” for interacting with disabled people: Tailored tips for different types of disability;
  • Disability and the law: Making reasonable adjustments;
  • Exploring case studies specific to your training needs.

Who is the workshop for?

These workshops are designed for anyone  who wants to build their confidence and improve their interactions with disabled people.

The full day workshop explores the legal aspect of disability, including legal obligations of organisations to make reasonable adjustments. The workshop is designed for employees, managers and those working professionally with disabled people.

Who will deliver the session?

The session will delivered by me, Aideen Blackborough – I’ve had Cerebral Palsy since birth so I have lots of knowledge and experience to share. I also have extensive experience of working with disabled people so I have a good insight into the barriers which disabled people face.

How do I book this session?

You can book this Disability Etiquette workshop by Contacting Me.  Just let me know the session you want, your preferred date and whether you’d like a face to face or online session. I’ll do my best to accommodate your preferences.