Wheelchair Services are still failing disabled people

Thirteen years ago, I was working full-time for a small charity in Reading and relying on an electric wheelchair provided by the NHS Wheelchair Services. I remember the day I got the chair – it was one they just had in the department and wasn’t customised to me even though I regularly suffered with backContinue reading Wheelchair Services are still failing disabled people

Guest Blog: Thomas Talbot – My Racerunning Story

Thomas Talbot is 13 years old and has Cerebral Palsy – it hasn’t stopped him from becoming a successful international Racerunner. Here’s his story. . . My story Hi – my name is Thomas. I’m 13 years old and I live near Lincoln. I am an International RaceRunner and I have cerebral palsy. I haveContinue reading Guest Blog: Thomas Talbot – My Racerunning Story

Disability Etiquette equals good manners & common sense

My latest book, “A disability Etiquette Guide” is something I’ve been wanting to write for a while now and last week, I was reminded why it’s so important for me to write it. I was on my way to Nottingham, to the Charity CP Sport, of which I am a proud trustee. I asked forContinue reading Disability Etiquette equals good manners & common sense

Facing a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy: Hope for Parents

  I must admit to being a bit of a soap addict.  I was thrilled to see “Emmerdale” doing their bit for Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, following the difficult birth of Megan and Jai’s baby girl. The doctors have advised the new parents that due to complications during the birth, which meant the baby sufferedContinue reading Facing a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy: Hope for Parents

Why I love having Cerebral Palsy

This week is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week, with tomorrow being World CP Day.  I’ll be live on Twitter between 1-2pm GMT to answer your questions about cerebral palsy, my life living with the condition and about my memoir, “Does it wet the bed?”.  But in the meantime, here’s why I love having Cerebral Palsy. .Continue reading Why I love having Cerebral Palsy

“Don’t take my baby” – Disabled Parents under Scrutiny

I recently sat down to watch, “Don’t take my baby”, a factual drama which tells of a disabled couple’s fight to keep their newborn baby daughter.  It’s a subject close to my heart as a disabled parent myself. The mother had a physical, life-limiting disability whilst the father was partially sighted and his condition wasContinue reading “Don’t take my baby” – Disabled Parents under Scrutiny

Does it wet the bed? – Free Wheeling

I’m just putting together a book proposal for “Does it wet the bed?” as even though the  book is almost complete, many agents request a proposal as well as sample chapters. In doing so, I’ve chosen an anecdote to start the overview so I thought I’d share it here! More to come over the coming weeks.Continue reading Does it wet the bed? – Free Wheeling