Disability Awareness for Children

Last week, I went to a primary school to deliver my Disability Awareness for Kids workshops. The children were taking part in a Disability Awareness week but I was apprehensive about their reaction to me; a lady in a wheelchair who didn’t speak especially clearly. I realised that talking to a group of children wasContinue reading Disability Awareness for Children

Does it wet the bed? – Free Wheeling

I’m just putting together a book proposal for “Does it wet the bed?” as even though the  book is almost complete, many agents request a proposal as well as sample chapters. In doing so, I’ve chosen an anecdote to start the overview so I thought I’d share it here! More to come over the coming weeks.Continue reading Does it wet the bed? – Free Wheeling

“Mum, why is that lady in a wheelchair?”

“Mum, why is that lady in a wheelchair?” It’s a question I’ve overheard being asked by innocent kids hundreds of times.  The child looks quite weary of me and I pretend not to be listening as Mum quietly explains I have something ‘wrong’ with my legs.  Or that my legs don’t ‘work’ properly.  Mum isContinue reading “Mum, why is that lady in a wheelchair?”