Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month is celebrated in March every year. The initiative began in 2006 and is an opportunity to support and advocate for those who have the condition and campaign for greater equality across society for those with Cerebral Palsy.

What is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy is an umbrella term for a number of neurological conditions which usually impacts a person’s movement and co-ordination. It’s a condition which typically occurs just before or after birth or during early childhood. It affects everyone differently and the severity of the condition also varies.

How does Cerebral Palsy affect individuals who have it?

Cerebral Palsy is different for everyone and no two people will experience it in the same way. Typically, the condition affects mobility and co-ordination though it can also cause difficulties with drooling, feeding, toileting and behavioural issues. In some cases, other disabilities such as Epilepsy and learning difficulties can arise from having Cerebral Palsy.

It’s also really important to say that having Cerebral Palsy doesn’t prevent individuals from living a fulfilling life! Many people with the condition have a full education, are able to work and participate in sports. Cerebral Palsy should never limit ambition!

Facts about CP

  • Cerebral Palsy affects 1 in every 400 births in the UK
  • The condition is usually apparent before the age of 3
  • CP is the most common movement disorder in children
  • There are 17 million people living with Cerebral Palsy worldwide

Celebrating Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month

Getting involved with Cerebral Palsy awareness month is a great way to learn more about the condition, support those who are living with Cerebral Palsy and to show the world that having a disability isn’t a negative thing!

Whether you have cerebral palsy yourself or know someone who has the condition, I can offer help, support and training. Having lived with Cerebral Palsy for over 40 years, I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience to help other’s understanding and promote inclusivity.  I can offer:

Please contact me to discuss your requirements