
#QuestionMarkWhereYouPark Update

As part of my #QuestionMarkWhereYouPark Campaign, I recently wrote to my MP, Nicola Richards, to ask her to support the campaign and consider raising it in Parliament. Though it took her a little while to respond, Nicola seemed sympathetic and supportive of the issues I had raised. Nicola made me aware of the Traffic RegulationContinue reading #QuestionMarkWhereYouPark Update

Christmas shouldn’t compromise disability access

I know I’ve written about this before but Christmas is a particularly difficult time to be a wheelchair user. From mid-November, I begin to notice the aisles in shops starting to narrow as retailers seek to cram as much as they can in to attract festive shoppers. It becomes almost impossible to get around withoutContinue reading Christmas shouldn’t compromise disability access

Diary of a Disabled Mum: Disability Assembly at Jack’s School

Just before half-term, I visited my son’s school to do some assemblies for them about disability. I was apprehensive about for two reasons.  Firstly, I hadn’t done any public speaking since well before the pandemic and I was out of practice. I always get nervous but I was really worried about making myself understood andContinue reading Diary of a Disabled Mum: Disability Assembly at Jack’s School