Yes, I’m Disabled but don’t think I’m stupid

It’s 2016 and I’ve now been living with Cerebral Palsy for 33 years.  Attitudes towards disability have changed and largely improved over that time. Yet, it still amazes me how ignorant some people can be and resist being educated. Yesterday, I was out and about with my mum who has always insisted that she willContinue reading Yes, I’m Disabled but don’t think I’m stupid

Disability Awareness for Kids – Its not weird, just different.

I was on a train recently, travelling home from visiting my sister and best friend in London.  After a good night out the evening before, I was feeling quite tired and hoped to pass the journey quietly with my Kindle for company. At one of the stops, a mother with her young daughter got onContinue reading Disability Awareness for Kids – Its not weird, just different.

Facing a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy: Hope for Parents

  I must admit to being a bit of a soap addict.  I was thrilled to see “Emmerdale” doing their bit for Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, following the difficult birth of Megan and Jai’s baby girl. The doctors have advised the new parents that due to complications during the birth, which meant the baby sufferedContinue reading Facing a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy: Hope for Parents

Cerebral Palsy: An Introduction

This month is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month so I’m going to be sharing a number of articles to raise awareness of the condition, what it’s like to live with it and the challenges that it presents.  Later this month, I’ll also be sharing advice for parents who have a child with CP and maybe someContinue reading Cerebral Palsy: An Introduction

“Don’t take my baby” – Disabled Parents under Scrutiny

I recently sat down to watch, “Don’t take my baby”, a factual drama which tells of a disabled couple’s fight to keep their newborn baby daughter.  It’s a subject close to my heart as a disabled parent myself. The mother had a physical, life-limiting disability whilst the father was partially sighted and his condition wasContinue reading “Don’t take my baby” – Disabled Parents under Scrutiny

Disability Awareness for Children

Last week, I went to a primary school to deliver my Disability Awareness for Kids workshops. The children were taking part in a Disability Awareness week but I was apprehensive about their reaction to me; a lady in a wheelchair who didn’t speak especially clearly. I realised that talking to a group of children wasContinue reading Disability Awareness for Children

“Mum, why is that lady in a wheelchair?”

“Mum, why is that lady in a wheelchair?” It’s a question I’ve overheard being asked by innocent kids hundreds of times.  The child looks quite weary of me and I pretend not to be listening as Mum quietly explains I have something ‘wrong’ with my legs.  Or that my legs don’t ‘work’ properly.  Mum isContinue reading “Mum, why is that lady in a wheelchair?”