Challenges of a Disabled Mum: A to B and beyond

Last week’s blog talked about the challenges I’ve faced getting my little boy from A to B as a disabled mum.  With some creative thinking, we’ve managed to get out and about locally, visiting friends and family.  However, going any further has presented bigger challenges which aren’t so easily resolved. Since the age of 13,Continue reading Challenges of a Disabled Mum: A to B and beyond

Challenges of a Disabled Mum: A to B

I knew when I fell pregnant with my son that motherhood would present more challenges to me than most and the thoughts about how I would cope gave me a few sleepless nights. I knew that I wouldn’t be the same as other mums, that I’d have to think creatively to overcome my disability inContinue reading Challenges of a Disabled Mum: A to B

Writing is lonely but feedback helps!

I love writing and always have. I remember being in the final year of primary school and winning a writing competition for a short story. My last book, “Does it wet the bed?”, had been in my head for years before I finally began putting it on paper.  For those of you that might notContinue reading Writing is lonely but feedback helps!

I’m just Mummy, despite my disability

My little boy is now three and a half and he really is the apple of my eye. To Jack, I’ve always been just Mummy.  It doesn’t matter that my speech is a bit funny or that I walk differently to everyone else. My wheelchair is just part of me and Jack doesn’t care aboutContinue reading I’m just Mummy, despite my disability

Yes, I’m Disabled but don’t think I’m stupid

It’s 2016 and I’ve now been living with Cerebral Palsy for 33 years.  Attitudes towards disability have changed and largely improved over that time. Yet, it still amazes me how ignorant some people can be and resist being educated. Yesterday, I was out and about with my mum who has always insisted that she willContinue reading Yes, I’m Disabled but don’t think I’m stupid

Please offer me a seat – improving travel for disabled people?

  Whilst browsing through my twitter account yesterday, I became aware of a new scheme which Transport for London are trialling, which encourages passengers to give up their seat for someone who needs it more, particularly disabled passengers.  Participating passengers will have a card and wear a badge, saying “Please offer me a seat.” AsContinue reading Please offer me a seat – improving travel for disabled people?

Facing a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy: Hope for Parents

  I must admit to being a bit of a soap addict.  I was thrilled to see “Emmerdale” doing their bit for Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, following the difficult birth of Megan and Jai’s baby girl. The doctors have advised the new parents that due to complications during the birth, which meant the baby sufferedContinue reading Facing a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy: Hope for Parents

Cerebral Palsy: An Introduction

This month is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month so I’m going to be sharing a number of articles to raise awareness of the condition, what it’s like to live with it and the challenges that it presents.  Later this month, I’ll also be sharing advice for parents who have a child with CP and maybe someContinue reading Cerebral Palsy: An Introduction

Ten misconceptions about people with disabilities

    Disabled people need someone to talk for them “Would she like a drink?” or “How old is she?” were common questions posed to my mum when I was growing up.  People assumed just because I am disabled that I can’t speak for myself. I soon piped up with the answers, making sure theyContinue reading Ten misconceptions about people with disabilities

“Don’t take my baby” – Disabled Parents under Scrutiny

I recently sat down to watch, “Don’t take my baby”, a factual drama which tells of a disabled couple’s fight to keep their newborn baby daughter.  It’s a subject close to my heart as a disabled parent myself. The mother had a physical, life-limiting disability whilst the father was partially sighted and his condition wasContinue reading “Don’t take my baby” – Disabled Parents under Scrutiny