Diary of a Disabled Mum: Out and about
As a disabled mum, getting out and about has its challenges but I’m building my independence and confidence.
I have Cerebral Palsy but it doesn't have me!
As a disabled mum, getting out and about has its challenges but I’m building my independence and confidence.
My last couple of blog posts have focused on disability and communication, specifically how people react to my speech impediment. I could tell you countless stories of how people have dismissed me because I have a speech impediment, caused by Cerebral Palsy. It’s both frustrating and hurtful but something I’ve become used to over theContinue reading Disability & Communication: Some top tips
Several incidents demonstrate a poor disability awareness amongst NHS Staff and a speech therapy student confirms no training is given.
Airport assistance staff lacking in disability awareness
I’m using my personal experience of Cerebral Palsy to mentor SEND pupils.
Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month started well with my first Disability Awareness Assembly.
An encouraging letter to young people with Cerebral Palsy
There are extra challenges attached to being a disabled parent and there is very little specialist information and support out there for those in my position. I hope by sharing my stories, other disabled parents might not feel alone.
This year I’ve decided to offer four schools a free Disability Awareness Assembly during March
Thirteen years ago, I was working full-time for a small charity in Reading and relying on an electric wheelchair provided by the NHS Wheelchair Services. I remember the day I got the chair – it was one they just had in the department and wasn’t customised to me even though I regularly suffered with backContinue reading Wheelchair Services are still failing disabled people