Open Letter to Uber: Your failure of a Disabled Customer

Last weekend was rare for me. I was really looking forward to a short break in London, visiting one of my oldest friends and my sister. I have Cerebral Palsy and a four year old son, so taking a break is a real treat. We’d arranged a night out and as a wheelchair user, thisContinue reading Open Letter to Uber: Your failure of a Disabled Customer

Building an inclusive, more tolerant future

I just posted on my Flyinglady Website about how I love going into schools and doing Disability Awareness sessions for the children; I’m so passionate about it that I offer the sessions for free wherever I possibly can. The sessions help kids to understand that everyone is different and that’s a good thing; life wouldContinue reading Building an inclusive, more tolerant future

Meryl Streep should be applauded for challenging Mr.Trump

I don’t normally write about anything remotely political on my blog – preferring instead to make the odd rant on Facebook, if something really bothers me.  But this week, something and someone political has tipped me over the edge because it’s more than just politics – it’s about equality.  Anyone know where I’m at yet?Continue reading Meryl Streep should be applauded for challenging Mr.Trump

Disability Etiquette equals good manners & common sense

My latest book, “A disability Etiquette Guide” is something I’ve been wanting to write for a while now and last week, I was reminded why it’s so important for me to write it. I was on my way to Nottingham, to the Charity CP Sport, of which I am a proud trustee. I asked forContinue reading Disability Etiquette equals good manners & common sense

Please offer me a seat – improving travel for disabled people?

  Whilst browsing through my twitter account yesterday, I became aware of a new scheme which Transport for London are trialling, which encourages passengers to give up their seat for someone who needs it more, particularly disabled passengers.  Participating passengers will have a card and wear a badge, saying “Please offer me a seat.” AsContinue reading Please offer me a seat – improving travel for disabled people?

Now proud Trustee of Cerebral Palsy Sport

At my book launch back in September, one of my guests told me about a charity which was looking for new trustees – Cerebral Palsy Sport.  I wasn’t sure though.  I’ve never been into sport and I wasn’t sure if I’d have the time to commit to the charity. Nonetheless, I decided to take aContinue reading Now proud Trustee of Cerebral Palsy Sport

Bringing Disability into the media spotlight

  Having a speech impairment, I’ve always hated the sound of my own voice. Not only that, but I have at times, struggled to make other people understand me. So when I started promoting my first book, “Does it wet the bed?”, my publicists, Literally PR, asked what types of activities I’d be comfortable doing. Continue reading Bringing Disability into the media spotlight

Legislation doesn’t improve knowledge of disability

Since “Does it wet the bed?” was released, I’ve done several interviews for newspapers, magazines and radio shows. Each has focused on different aspects of the book and my life but nearly all of them have included the following (or similar) question: “Have attitudes towards disability changed since you were a child?” My answer hasContinue reading Legislation doesn’t improve knowledge of disability

Casting Call for Extraordinary mums-to-be

On behalf of Curve Media Few mums-to-be would say that pregnancy is easy or stress-free, but for some women, having a baby presents exceptional challenges.   Curve Media have been commissioned to make a second series of 6 x 60 minute episodes for Discovery, on the subject of pregnancy called “My Extraordinary Pregnancy”.   ThisContinue reading Casting Call for Extraordinary mums-to-be