Happy 2023! I always find this time a year a little depressing – the excitement of Christmas is gone, the winter lies ahead and yet, we’re supposed to be refreshed and excited about the year ahead. It’s a tough time for getting motivated but nonetheless, I’m determined to try.

Last year was the best yet for me as a freelancer. I became an associate for Just Ideas, got involved with some really great projects, as well as continuing with my disability training and public speaking. Hubby also launched his Budget App – giving me more work a as content writer, editor and chief Marketing Officer!

So this year, I’m determined to build on the progress I made in 2022 – especially as our youngest starts school this year, enabling me to go full time from September.  I know freelancing isn’t easy – finding work and building up a steady income is extremely challenging at the best of times.  But one thing I learnt last year was saying “Yes” to things that may be slightly out of my comfort zone. That and having confidence in myself.

So here’s to 2023 – I’m coming for ya!